Saturday, April 4, 2009

As you sow so shall you reap

"As you sow so shall you reap"

It is something that we have been hearing all our life, but probably nobody ever understood. The Land of Dreams, United States of America, never learnt it. They fed the mujahideens against the Soviets and now the hand that fed is being bitten. Taliban an offshoot from the old mujahideen days are now the bete noir of America.

The latest example is Pakistan. They have for years slept with the terrorists their main aim being destabilizaton of Kashmir. For years, ISI - the bastard spy organization of Pakis - have supported, financed and supplied arms to the terrorists, trained them and sent them into Kashmir. Though they have denied it over the years, every democratically elected representative ( of which there have been less) and military dictators have supported terrorism, but denied knowledge of it before the international community. The 9/11 fallout has affected Pakis committment to terrorism. They saw a chance where in they can redeem themselves in the international community. They thought this may ultimately reduce pressure on them and they can also claim a huge amount of money from the US that they can claim would go towards fighting terrorism, but ultimately would be used to buy arms and lead the arms race against India.

All that seems to have fallen on its face. The Pakis have gained some, but lost much. They have lost their political stability. They have lost their peace of mind. The snakes that Pakis had caged have escaped and are now biting the hand that fed them. All the acts of terrorism inside Pakistan is an evidence of that. The Swat valley deal has further strenghtened the Talibanis and they are now roaming freely inside Pakistan carrying out their agenda as they wish. They have helped convert Pakistan to Shitistan. So as you sow so shall you reap. Pakis JAi ho

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