Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pissed off by the bitching blogs of the Big F@#$%^& stars of Bollywood

As busy as a Bee I was, I just couldnt hold it back. I was pushed off the proverbial edge and I had to react. Anybody tell me what the f#$% happened to our superstars ? When did these decent guys start bitching ? Ask me and I would say it is really immature and stupid with a big "S". One points out the TRPs of the other's show on his blog, and one names his dog after the other superstar and brags about it on his blog. Guys, drop it. You are supposed to be an ideal to others. Leave the bitching to the bitches and believe me we have many of them...... GROW UP.. ACKNOWLEDGE EACH OTHERS SUCCESS.... LIVE PEACEFULLY AS THEY DO IN HOLLYWOOD... Right !!!

Ahh.. been tired the whole eff'ng week.... the week prior was ok.... Been to Nasik and had a real good time.... had a stay at a queer little flat owned by Sharmaji.... thought of writing a book with the title of "Sharmaji ka Ghar"... seems like a Premchand creation.. who knows may even get the Jyaanpeeth for it... ha ha he he... more next time... this bee has to sleep now

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