Saturday, May 24, 2008

A tiring week !!!!!!!!

It was a bloody hell in the office.... With the big C coming in, its very hectic... Add to that some bitchy colleagues, some uninspiring juniors and some ugly big-assed girls... whoa how can a guy survive.. but i made it through.... got this @###$#% sunday to relax.... got up early at 3-30.. had a call to attend.... well.. cnt disclose what it was for..... the devil...... now a cup of coffee and Prisoner by Birth at hand... man this Archer guy writes good.... the name of the book makes me wonder .. arent we all prisoners by birth... at least we indians are.... prisoner to the bloody system and society.... we live a very staged life.... nursery to schoool to college to job to marriage to family to children to some more prisoners by birth.....

now my parents are after me to marry... why the hell should i... i dont believe in that nor am i interested.... i dont like the idea of spending my life working my ass off for the offsprings that i have only to have them kick me out when I am old ( not all do that - but now most do that)... why should I marry and settle/unsettle down.. when i can be bachelor, earn good, save good and lead a life like Heffner... well maybe not exactly a replica of his life... but then i can really enjoy explore and all that...... @#$% to MARRIAGE... @#%% to the SOCIETY THAT LOOKS DOWN UPON BACHELORS..... Man all bachelors are not sleazy and whore-visiting ones.... i can show you 100 married ones that visit them...... LIVE AND LET LIVE... well how about live-ins... I like that idea..... anyone interested ???? call me ?? ha ha he he

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